The editing of basic information about your listing such as it's name, address and logo can be done via the listing's management dashboard. See "The listing management dashboard" for details on how to access your listing's management dashboard.
From the listing management dashboard click the listing info tile.
The listing info tile
This will bring you to the listing information page which has four individually editable sections which are basic information, location, texts and photos.
Basic information
The basic information section contains the simple everyday information associated with your listing such as:
Your listing's name
The type of service you operate e.g. kennel, cattery or both
Your phone number
Your email address
Your timezone
The currency you receive payment in
Your listing's own website (if any)
To edit basic information click the change link in the top right corner of the basic information section.
Change the listing's basic information
This will open the basic information form which appears as follows. Make the required changes and click the save listing info button to persist those changes. You can also click the cancel button to undo any changes made in the form.
The basic information form
The location information section is used to edit the physical address of your listing. If your listing has a different physical and billing address you should use your physical address in this section. See "Edit your listing's billing info" for more information about where to add your listing's billing address.
To edit your listing's physical address click the change link in the top right corner of the location section.
Change the listing's location
This will open the location form which appears as follows. Note that the default entry method for addresses in UpWoof is via Google Map's address autocomplete functionality. If you're dissatisfied with the address provided for your listing from Google Maps you can check the "enter address manually" checkbox which will allow you to manually enter your address.
Click the save location button to persist your changes. You can also click the cancel button to undo any changes made in the form.
The location form
The text section is used to edit texts associated with your listing such as the description and terms and conditions.
To edit your listing's texts click the change link in the top right corner of the texts section.
Change the listing's texts
This will open the texts form which appears as follows.
Click the save texts button to persist your changes. You can also click the cancel button to undo any changes made in the form.
The texts form
The photos section is used to edit photos associated with your listing such as your logo and photos that showcase your amenities.
To edit your listing's photos click the change link in the top right corner of the photos section.
Change the listing's photos
This will open the photos form which appears as follows. The photos form has two separate sections, one for your listing's logo the other for your listing's photos. Click the choose file button in the applicable section to select the image you want to use and then click the corresponding upload button (either upload logo or upload photos) to persist your changes.
Note the maximum file size for photos is 5MB. If you attempt to upload an image larger than this the form will display an error message that the supplied file is too large and cannot be saved. Image files must be in either JPEG or PNG file format.
The photos form
You can remove an existing photo by clicking the remove link (either remove logo or remove photo) next to the image you want to remove.